Looking for you - Chapter 1

The sun beams on Madison’s back at a degree somewhere between hell and hot lava. She can feel beads of sweat trickling down her chest when she hears a man exclaim, “I didn’t order this many frozen margaritas!”. Adjusting her sunglasses atop her messy, blonde hair, she scans the bustling restaurant patio for a place to rest her feet and cool off. She almost gives up when she hears that voice again. “I don’t think I need this much tequila!” 

She spots him–a man with tousled, chocolate hair and a golden tan, as if he lives in the sun. He stands up, waving his arms in exasperation and revealing an outfit that catches her eye. Amidst the lush greenery and luxurious decor, he stands out in his plain, white Henley and gray joggers, perfect for a lazy day on the couch. Her eyes snap to his lap like a magnet, lingering a bit too long. 

“Look away,” she mutters, hoping the sounds of laughter and glassware drown her out. Too late. His green eyes are locked on hers, her favorite color. She feels a warmth spreading across her body.

“You don’t have to,” he says, smirking just enough to reveal a dimple. “I like being watched sometimes.” 

A smile spreads across her face as she shakes the image out of her head. “I think you found my missing drink, if you don’t mind.” Her mouth waters at the thought of ice, cold tequila and watching him do…anything. 

“Come.” He squints. “You can take the drinks or you can sit here and get a better view,” pointing to the empty seat next to him. 

Madison looks at the tickets she’d stood in line for hours to get, two for her boss and two for her and her roommate Natalie, and stashes them in her purse. “Fine, I’ll sit here, but only because it's the last open seat.” 

The man laughs as he sits back down. “Sure, and not at all because this isn’t actually your drink.”

She chuckles, settling into her chair. “I’m Madison, and I’m too hot to argue right now,” she says, setting her bag on the table and extending her hand. “And you are?” 

“Well, I won’t disagree with that,” he says, holding her gaze before shaking her hand. “Austin”. 

The patio buzzes with chatter, full of patrons dressed to the nines. A slight breeze in the air moves across her skin, offering little respite from the blazing sun. Madison fiddles with the fabric of her jean shorts, glancing away to break the intensity of his gaze.

“Well, Austin, if you don’t mind…”, she trails off, drinking a quarter of the frosty margarita in a few quick sips. The deliciously icy drink sends a chill down her spine, a welcome contrast to the oppressive heat. 

Austin’s smirk widens. “Anytime. So, I know why I’m drinking tequila at 2 p.m. on a Tuesday, but I’m curious. Why are you?” 

She shrugs, her eyes scanning the lively patio. “Just running errands for my concert-junkie boss. I think he’d kill me if I didn’t grab tickets when the show is so soon.” Madison points to her bag, keeping the tickets tucked away. 

Austin leans back, his shirt hugging his arms a little tighter. “A concert junkie, huh? Are you going with him? Let me guess, you’re helping schmooze potential new clients.” 

Madison shakes her head, laughing as she says, “No, I try to avoid spending my free time with people from work if I can help it. My boss is cool, but after a few drinks, he will flirt with anyone that isn’t on the payroll.” The last thing she needed was for Natalie to get mixed up with him. “I just run errands as his assistant.” 

“How long have you been working there?” 

“Why? Is this a job interview?” she teases, raising an eyebrow.

“Humor me. If you could be doing anything, and you had to work to make money, what would you do?” 

“Well, I love to paint. It’s my happy place, but I wouldn’t call myself an actual artist yet, it’s so risky,” she replies, finishing her drink and feeling a pleasant buzz.

“An artist,” Austin repeats, his eyes lighting up. “Do you have any pictures of your work? I’ve been in the corporate world for so long, it's rare for someone to be passionate about what they do. I’d love to check it out.” 

Madison diverts her eyes, feeling more self-conscious than flattered. “Maybe one day, if you’re lucky.” 

Austin laughs, a deep resonant sound. “To luck, then.” 

They clink glasses, the sound mingling with the smooth jazz playing over the patio speakers. As they sip their drinks, she feels more at ease, unusually relaxed with someone who was a stranger less than an hour ago. 

“If painting makes you happy, do you think you’d be happier if you painted for work?” 

“I’d love it,” she admits, disarmed by his easy charm.  

“So,” she says, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, “what’s your story? What do you do when you’re not busy ordering too many drinks?” 

“I recently quit my job, actually. I’ve been climbing my way up the ladder for years, but no matter what goal I hit, I never felt truly happy,” Austin shifts in his seat. “I needed a break. So here I am, enjoying my newfound freedom,” he says, and gestures to his drink.

Madison leans in, intrigued. “That’s a big change. What made you decide to leave?” 

“I realized I was just going through the motions and not really living. I’d just turned 34 and felt like it was time to stop waiting for my life to start. You know?” Austin sighs, a hint of weariness in his eyes. “I want to do something that’s just for me and I guess you could say gardening has been my happy place lately.” 

She smiles, imagining Austin among plants and flowers. “I think I understand. Life’s too short not to be…a farmer?” She jokes. 

He laughs harder this time, his dimples deepening. “No, no. Not a farmer really, but I’ve recently been dreaming about my own store.” 

“I think that’s really brave. Not a lot of people would have the guts to quit,” Madison says, admiration in her voice.

“It took me years to finally quit, but I think sometimes you just have to take a leap and hope for the best.” Austin looks out beyond her in thought as the sun dips lower in the sky, casting a rosy glow over the patio.

A comfortable silence hangs between them while they down the remainder of their second drink. Austin takes out his phone to glance at the time and sighs. “I have to go meet a friend, but I’ll admit, I wish I didn’t have to.”

Madison’s heart flutters in her stomach as she reaches out to grab his phone. “How about this, I’ll give you my number and maybe we can make a trade sometime--plants for paintings?”

“Maybe, if you’re lucky.” He holds her gaze for a moment, before giving her a quick hug goodbye. Austin walks away first, leaving her to enjoy the view before starting her walk home. 

As soon as the front door unlocks, Madison slips off her shoes and flings herself on the couch. If there was a packed bowl or a freshly rolled joint laying around, she would be perfectly ready to evolve into her final form for the night, a total potato. Except all the lights are off in the apartment and there’s a lingering trace of Natalie’s perfume in the air. 

“Okay Google, turn the living room lights to 40% pink.” 

Madison sighs and surveys the room for clues to where her roommate might be. There’s a few rejected outfits scattered across the “laundry chair”, a curling iron perched by the full-length mirror, and a presumably empty White Claw left behind. She found herself smiling, knowing her roommate’s date nights always left the apartment in a state of chaos.

Madison holds her phone to her face, unlocking it to send Natalie a text.

👀 Where are you?! I NEED to tell you about this man asap pls don't make me literally paint a picture

“If she’s with Brian, she might be out all night,” Madison thinks before tossing her phone on the table and rolling her eyes, unable to accept her friend’s fling turned romance. “Guess it’s only me for the night.

Madison spots her handy-dandy rolling tray, half-buried under a sparkly pink dress, and quickly rolls a joint meant for one. Her thoughts drift back to Austin as she turns on Netflix’s “Blown Away”. 

“There is just something about a man who knows what he wants,” she thinks, smiling as she dozes off.

A few hours later, Natalie’s voice pulls Madison from her sleep. “Madi?” she asks softly. Through the dimly lit doorway, Madison finds her roommate, tears streaming down her face. Her blonde hair stuck to her cheeks and neck. 

“What happened? Are you okay?” Madison peels herself off the couch and sits down on the bed, pulling Natalie into a hug.

“I--I thought he was really into me. Why would he invite me somewhere so nice just to dump me?” She wails.

“Brian? He’s a dick. He knew he didn’t deserve you.” 

“I didn’t even like him that much!” her friend replies through sobs

“And why would you? He sucked!?” Gently stroking Natalie’s back, Madison remembers the night when things ended with her last boyfriend, Gavin, and her eyes sting with tears. “He’s a jerk, Nat. He just wanted you to believe he was a good guy, but he wasn’t.”

Natalie sniffles, her tears slowing but her body continues shaking from the sobs. “I know, it’s just…why does it feel like I’m never good enough?”

“Listen to me,” Madison pulls back, holding Natalie’s shoulders and looking into her eyes. “ I love you, you amazing, brilliant, intelligent, hilarious, vivacious woman. You are so much more than enough. If he can’t see that, he’s not worth your time.”

“You always know what to say.” Nat gives a weak smile, wiping her face with the back of her hand.

“You know I’ll always be here for you. You’re my favorite human.” She pulls her friend into another hug. “Let’s get into our give-up-on-life clothes and watch a movie. If you’re feeling up to it, we can make it a girls’ night.”

Natalie nods, her face showing signs of relief. “Yeah, you’re right. Let me just wash my face.”

As her roommate heads to the bathroom, Madison’s phone buzzes on the coffee table, pulling her attention away from finding something to watch. Curious, she picks it up, her breath catching when she sees it’s from an unknown number.

Unknown: How about this one?

Her phone buzzes again, this time a picture of a leafy plant. Madison touches her fingers to her lips and smiles. She wasn’t expecting to hear from Austin so soon. Before she can reply, Natalie returns. “Feeling better?” Madison asks, setting her phone back down.

She nods, her face looking refreshed. “Yeah, a bit.”

Madison reaches over to grab the remote, seeing the picture still up on her phone, and smiles. 

“Thinking about getting a pink princess?” Nat asks while doing her nightly skincare routine. 

“A what?” 

“A pink princess,” Nat leans over and gestures towards Madison’s phone. “It's kind of an expensive plant, but it’s so pretty. Don’t you think?”

“Oh, that. I’m not sure yet.” She flips over her phone, “Let’s put on that new rom-com and fire up the volcano. I think we deserve it.” They settle into the couch, sharing a fluffy blanket and passing the bag as the movie plays. No men, no problems. Just how Madison prefers.



Ch. 1: The Upstairs