Do what makes you happy. Do more of what makes you happy. Don’t wait for any one moment to start. This is your life, right now, in this moment.
We spend so much time with a goal in mind, thinking once we hit that goal we can finally start living the way we would truly like to live. We think to ourselves, if we just get through this period of our lives, we can do whatever after.
The problem is, we’re getting so caught up, focusing on the future and what could be, that we completely forget to take advantage of the very moment we’re in. Today, tomorrow, this week - that is all your life. Your life doesn’t start once you have a “real” job or career. It is every bit of the process and if you think there is just one destination, one end goal, one job - every older adult I know will tell you otherwise.
From what I can tell, it isn’t some finite thing. You don’t just pick a job and only do that for the rest of your life. You adapt and you change as life, the world, and society changes with you.
Would you honestly be happy doing just one thing for the rest of your life anyways? Maybe I’m just seeing life a little differently lately, but I can hardly hold my focus and sit still now, not to mention the rest of my life.
My goal is to explore life to my hearts content and share with you everything I learn along the way. Of course, this means I’ll be making a plethora of mistakes along the way, so learn from me and learn with me.
(Okay, Danielle, who do you think you are? Some motivational speaker?)
NOUN A state of mind often associated with Sundays that promotes well-being and relaxation.
Sundazy ADJ. a feeling evoked commonly after clearing your mind or meditating.