The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center

My Rating: ★★★★★

Quick Note: If cancer is a trigger, please know it is discussed in this book.

About: Robin works in marketing and is going on a big work trip to Italy where the team will fight to stand out and become the boss’s favorite. Robin is looking forward to the chance to win the heart of her co-worker and long time crush, James, and potentially winning against her work rival. As an added bonus, she is finally getting to visit the city where her old pen pal lived and still lives. Except Andrea is not the person she is expecting.

What to expect/tropes:

  • Strangers to lovers

  • Forced proximity

  • No spice

My Thoughts: I honestly don’t think this author has released a book that I didn’t like and each new release, I love it more than the last. There’s just something about the writing that draws you in quickly and holds your attention the whole way through. I really enjoyed the concept of this, giving it some Hollywood flair and showing us a bad ass woman who spent her adulthood caring for her father and putting her younger sister ahead of her own dreams. I’d ABSOLUTELY recommend this to anyone looking for a good RomCom and anyone who has read it because I recommended it, loved it too!

Here are some notes I wrote while reading (maybe lightly spoilery):

  • GREAT opening

  • I love the narrative voice, the main character speaking to the reader

  • I want to be in this book. I need this to be a movie.

  • Falling in love DOES feel like a sigh. Perfect description.

  • He GOOGLED it? Omg kill me, I can’t take it.

  • THIS KISS, hot damn.

  • and now I’m crying

  • This is an emotional roller coaster.

  • LOVED it, loved every minute of it.


  • “Whatever story you tell yourself about you life, that’s the one that’ll be true.”

  • “But how? How did you hold on?” “I just got up every day, and went to bed every night, and tried to be a good person in between.”

  • “If you wait for other people to light you up, then I guess you’re at the mercy of darkness.”

  • “It can’t be where you’re going that matters. It has to be how you get there.”

  • “It’s all about the details you notice. And the joys you savor. And the hope you refuse to give up on. It’s all about writing the very best story of your life. Not just how you live it—but how you choose to tell it.”

Words this book taught me:

  • Caterwauling

  • Dolt

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